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1:11 Art & Healing 

Kids,Teens & Adults

We are offering after school art classes this year!

Art w/Andi 
Thursday Night Art Club

Thursday nights 6:30-8:30

Andi is offering a steady weekly class where the more serious art explorations can happen!


With over 30 years of experience in fine art, craft, sculpture, construction, paper, paint, pen, mixed media, metal, framing, and displaying work, there’s not much Andria isn’t able to help guide you in or learn with you! In this class you’ll get to expand your interest, learn new art forms in a slower, more in depth study, learn art vocabulary, and pursuits in a fun environment with all the supplies at your fingertips. Some of our projects may require extra material costs but they will be offered at wholesale so we can enjoy and experiment together. If an art style is desired that is unfamiliar territory, we will find someone to teach us or go to them ( field trips)! Let’s keep learning together- you never know what might open up for you and your potential in the art world.


This is a monthly membership of $100 due at the first of every month. Drop ins for observation welcome, but participation in that class cannot be guaranteed if we’re in the middle of a project ( we will plan to begin a new series every first week of the month). 

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After School Art Classes with Andi

After school art is currently closed. Please contact Andi for more information.

Wednesdays 4:00 - 5:30. $150/month.


Welcome Grades 4 - 9!
Andi will be hosting classes on Wednesdays for 90 minutes of extra curricular art for the young artist. These weekly classes will entail learning about a new artist every month and working with a variety of projects, mediums, and styles. Not only is this an opportunity to grow your creative mind, but to create a portfolio that will lend itself to opening doors for what lies ahead in high school and art-intensive college prep programs.

We’d love feedback from your kiddo on their favorite artist when you enroll them!

We will explore all genres of art: Drawing, Design and Sculpture

(We will not be doing Computer Graphics)

Blue with Colorful School Supplies World Art Day Facebook Post (788 × 940 px).png
Art class Try this.webp

Try This! 

Hi there and welcome to your journey in exploring a multitude of mediums, art terminology, theory and how they all work together to create amazing visual results.


You will find a projected itinerary here. I do work intuitively, so if a project needs to go another direction or we need more time playing we will do exactly that. The emphasis is FUN and enjoying our time together and about the experience NOT the result.


I am a Creative Coach, so if anything comes up along our journey and you need some one on one- please reach out! I love new ideas and exploring with people I'm connecting with, so please don't hesitate to probe my 27 years of self taught failures and successes to make that creative idea become reality!


When this course is complete, we will switch into a regular weekly art class based on a monthly membership rate. I look forward to our time together at the studio! 


Introductory course with all materials and supplies included. 

8 week course: $375

Beginning Tuesdays 9am -11 April 2-May 14


Wednesday Mornings Art with Andi ("Wednesday Morning Wenches")
An art club for Continuing education, Women 40up

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